Answer as many questions as you want.
What is your CashRamSpam email address?
Where do you live? Country State City/Town
Age group: 0-14 / 15-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / 65-74 / 75-84 / 85-105
Gender: Male / Female
What is your birth date? mm-dd-yyyy (e.g. 06-30-1980)
What language do you talk at home?
What other languages can you speak?
Are you employed? Yes / No
Are you self-employed? Yes / No
What sort of work do you do?
Do you like your job? Yes / No
Are you looking for another job? Yes / No
If yes what type of job would you like to do?
Are you a happy person? No / Sort of / Definitely
How many years before you retire?
Do you have adequate retirement funds? Yes / Maybe / No
Are you worried about retiring? Yes / No
Are you? Single / Married / Divorced
Are you Gay? Yes / Sometimes / No
Are you looking for a new partner? Yes / Maybe / No
How many children live with you?
How old is your youngest child? 0 / 1-5 / 6-10 / 11-15 / 16-25 / 25+
Which did you last attend? School / College / University
Are you? Skilled / Highly Skilled / Unskilled
What was your approx. income after tax last year? US$
Are you a homeowner? Yes / No
Do you like where you live? Yes / No
Where would you like to live other that where you are now?
What was the last good movie/book/video/ you saw or read? Movie: Book: Video:
How many times do you go to the movies in a year?
How many books do you read a month?
How many videos do you rent a week?
Do you play a musical instrument? Yes / No
If yes which one(s)?
Are you good at playing that instrument? No / Sort of / Definitely
Do you drive a car? Yes / No
Does it have an automatic gearbox? Yes / No
Do you ride a motorbike? Yes / No
What year and make of car?
What year and make of motorbike?
Would you like a newer car/motorbike? Yes / No
What make and year?
How much do you think it would cost? US$
Can you afford it? Yes / No
How many credit cards do you own?
How much in total do you owe them? US$
How much credit do you have left? US$
How long since you had a driving accident? mm-yyyy mm-yyyy
What is your clothes size? Small / Medium / Large
Are you overweight? No / Little Bit / Yes
Are you underweight? No / Little Bit / Yes
Do you exercise? Yes / Sometimes / Never
Are you a jogger? Yes / Sometimes / Never
How many days since you last ate junk food? Day
What games do you play or follow? Name two
Are you religious? No / Sort of / Very
Which religion?
Are you good looking? No / Sort of / Definitely
Are you ugly? No / Sort of / Definitely
Are you interesting? No / Sort of / Definitely
How many friends do you have? A lot / A few / Not many
Who is your favorite movie star?
Do you smoke cigarettes/cigars? Yes / No
Which brand?
How many do you smoke a day?
What is your usual alcohol drink? Beer / Wine / Rice wine / Liquor
What is your favorite alcohol drink? Beer / Wine / Rice wine / Liquor
What is the name of your favorite beer?
Do you drink Wine/Rice wine regularly? Yes / No
What is the name of your favorite Whiskey?
How often do you go out for dinner? Yearly / Monthly / Weekly
How much was your last bill in a restaurant? US$
What type of restaurant was it?
What is your favorite food?
How long is it since you ordered takeaway pizza? weeks
Do you like dancing? Yes / Sometimes / No
Are you a good dancer? Yes / Sometimes / No
How long since you last had a holiday? Years and Months
Did you go abroad? Yes / No
How much did it cost you? US$
Was it worth it? Yes / No
Where would you like to go next?
How is your health? Good / Okay / Poor
Do you have sufficient health insurance? Yes / No
Who are you insured with?
Are you happy with their service? Yes / Sort of / No
Which is your favorite airline?
How long since you traveled by air?
How many hours were you in the air?
Was the in-flight service good? Fair / Good / Very good
Which airline did you fly with
Would you fly with them again? Yes / No
Do you normally go to work by public transport? Yes / No
If no what transport do you use? Walk / Car / Motorbike / Bike
How long does it take you to get to work? hours:minutes
Do you have any disabilities? Yes / No
If yes are they severe? Yes / Slightly / No
Are you in constant pain? No / Sometimes / Yes
If sometimes or yes what pain killers do you use?
Do you receive a disability pension? Yes / No
Do you use alternative medicines? Yes / No
Are you satisfied with the treatment you receive? Yes / No
Do you like your doctor? Yes / No
Is your doctor a foreigner by birth? Yes / No
Do you think medicines are too expensive? No / Probably / Yes
In politics are you? Left / Middle / Right
Did you like President Clinton? Yes / No
Do you like President Bush? Yes / No
How much is your weekly grocery bill? US$
How many CD's do you own?
How many televisions in your house?
How many internet connected computers?
Are you going bald? Yes / No
How often do you go to the hairdresser? Weekly / Monthly / Yearly
Do you have any investments in the stock market? Yes / No
Would you be interested in having more or some? Yes / Maybe / No
What is the value of your investments? Under US$10K / Over
Do your children do well in school? Yes / Okay / No
Do you like private schools? Yes / Don't know / No
Would you consider home tuition? Yes / Don't know / No
Do you like government schools? Yes / Don't know / No
Have you ever used after school tuition? Yes / No
Is your child learning a musical instrument? Yes / No
If so which one(s)?
Is the carpet in your house old? Yes / No
Is your plumbing in good order? Yes / No
Is your house been valued recently? Yes / No
What do you think the value of you home is? US$
How old is your computer? months years
What is the brand and model? brand model
What is the brand and model of your printer? brand model
What is your Chinese horoscope?
In western astrology what is your star sign?
What is your blood group? A / B / AB / O
Do you regularly buy magazines? Yes / No
Which one(s) in order of preference?
Do you own a pet? Yes / No
If yes what sort of pet(s)?
If no, would you like to own a pet? Yes / No
Did you know that AIBO is a robot dog? Yes / No
If yes who builds AIBO? Sony / LG / Philips
Do you own a mobile/cell phone? Yes / No
Which brand and model? brand model
Would you like to get a new one? Yes / Maybe / No
How much approximately is your phone bill a month? US$
Does your phone have a camera? Yes / No
Would you like to get paying advertisements on your phone that would be credited to your CashRamSpam account? Yes / Maybe / No
How many times a day to you use Text Messaging? 0 / 10 or under / over 10
Do you like gardening? Yes / No
Do you have a garden? Yes / No
Do you grow flowers? Yes / No
Do you grow vegetables or fruit? Yes / No
Do you believe in Aliens from another Planet? Yes / No
If yes do you think they could live in your town? Yes / Maybe / No
Have you ever met an Alien? Yes / No
Do you believe in Ghosts? Yes / No
If yes have you ever seen a Ghost? Yes / Maybe / No
If yes were you scared? Yes / No
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? Yes / No
Do you believe in God? Yes / Don't know / No
Do you believe in the Devil? Yes / Don't know / No
Do you think every thing is God? Yes / Maybe / No
Have you ever seen God? Yes / No
If yes did he talk to you? Yes / No
Have you ever seen the Devil? Yes / No
If yes did he talk to you? Yes / No
Do you think the Devil is scared of God? Yes / No
Do you think God is scared of the Devil? Yes / No
Are you scared of God? Yes / Sort of / No
Are you scared of the Devil? Yes / Sort of / No
Do you think you make your own Heaven and Hell on Earth? Yes / Sort of / No
When was the last time some one kissed you? Today / Under 2 Months / Under 1 Year / Over 1 Year
When was the last time you kissed some one? Today / Under 2 Months / Under 1 Year / Over 1 Year
What is the Capital of Australia? Canberra / Sydney / Wagga Wagga
Do you like swimming in clear blue water on a sunny beach? Yes / Maybe / Of course
Politically what is Australia? Democracy / Republic / Holiday Resort
What is the Capital of Iceland? Husavic / Reykjavik / Copenhagen
Which country has most of its citizens on the Internet? America / S.Korea / Iceland
Do you watch porn on the internet? Yes / little bit / No
Does it embarrass you? Yes / little bit / No
Would you like to ban porn on the internet? Yes / Some of it / No
Do you think a human has been on the Moon? Yes / Maybe / No
Do you own a video camera? Yes / No
If yes is it digital? Yes / No
If yes what brand and model? brand model
Do you like it? Yes / Okay / No
Do you have a camera? Yes / No
If yes is it digital? Yes / No
If yes what brand and model? brand model
What brand and model does your close relative have? brand model
Do you like it? Yes / Okay / No
Have you ever tried internet grocery shopping? Yes / No
If yes did you like it? Yes / Okay
Have you ever tried internet book shopping? Yes / No
If yes did you like it? Yes / Okay / No
Have you ever tried internet music shopping? Yes / No
If yes did you like it? Yes / Okay / No
If you could buy things on the internet by paying to use some one else's credit card would you do more internet shopping? Yes / Maybe / No
What did you think of these questions? Stupid / Okay / Interesting
In 1000 letters or less, write something interesting and original.
Have you signed the Primary Fundamental Right petition against the 'Drug Wars'? Yes / No
If no are you scared to sign it? Yes / No
Do you disagree with the idea of people being in control of their own bodies? Yes / No
What are your 3 favorite television shows? TV Show 1 TV Show 2 TV Show 3
What are your 3 favorite television advertisements? TV Adv 1: TV Adv 2: TV Adv 3:
Who are your 3 favorite television actors? TV Actor 1: TV Actor 2: TV Actor 3:
Who are your 3 favorite singers? Singer 1: Singer 2: Singer 3:
Who are your 3 favorite singing groups? Singing Group 1: Singing Group 2: Singing Group 3:
How long ago did you last pay for a CD?
Why do you think CD sales are dropping? Poor music / Easy to download from net / Too expensive / All of the above
What is the name of your company?
What type of business does it pursue?
Where is the business HQ located?
What is its street address?
What role do you play in the running of your company?
Are you an executive, middle manager or manager or other?
Is your company Large Medium or Small? Large / Medium / Small
How many people does it employ?
Is your company privately owned? Yes / No
Does your company import or export from to over sea? Yes / No
What was the approx. gross income of your company last year?
How long has your company been in business?
What is the web address of your company?
Is your company listed on the stock exchange? Yes / No
Advertisers can send 5 questions for consideration to;
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